Ford Mustang Mach
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Ford Mustang Mach

Jul 23, 2023

A Ford Mustang Mach-E lawsuit is barely clinging to life following the dismissal of all but three claims by the presiding judge. The legal dispute stems from a recall that impacted around 49,000 2021-2022 Ford Mustang Mach-E SUVs last year.

Ford’s explanation for the recall centers on concerns regarding the high-voltage battery main contactors overheating due to DC fast charging and repeated forceful acceleration. This overheating can lead to a malfunction in the electric relay switch, causing either a welding shut or an unintended opening of the switch. Consequently, affected vehicles may experience a shutdown due to a compromised high-voltage battery main contactor.

The timeline of events reveals that between July 13, 2021, and May 31, 2022, over 280 warranty claims were submitted in the U.S., prompting Ford’s investigation into the matter. This joint effort with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) culminated in a recall in June 2022. Ford’s proposed solution involved updating the secondary onboard diagnostic control modules and battery energy control modules, and the company established a reimbursement program for out-of-pocket expenses related to the issue.

Nine plaintiffs from seven different states united in the class-action lawsuit, asserting that the recall failed to address the issue at hand. Their central argument is that the recalled Mach-E vehicles pose an “unreasonable risk of accident, injury, death, or property damage if their vehicle completely or partially loses power while in operation.” (via Car Complaints)

Ford says the entire lawsuit should be dismissed, asserting that the NHTSA-approved recall nullifies the plaintiffs’ claims. While the judge agrees that a recall process was initiated, she diverges from Ford’s stance, stating that the efficacy of the recall’s remedy remains a matter for a jury to decide.

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